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- Ambulatory shows -
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Melhaa et les 4 pretres
1,60m / 1,85m
Kélé (1 pers)
Kassik (2 pers)
Omoloùnkà (4 pers)
- Ambulatory shows -
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
the march of the green man
" Omolounkà, The March of the Green Man,
is a showambulatorytaking the form of a procession.
The protective God of nature has awakened and invites us to walk beside him in order to see the world through his eyes"
Public: For all
Discipline: Giant puppets ambulatory.
Duration: 2h30 stroll to be broken up during the day
Artistic Team: 4
Puppet : Giant: 4.50 m
Animatum Chimera Melhaa
"Animatum Chimera Melhaa,
is a showambulatorywhere we follow Melhaa and Kélé accompanying Kassik, the egg that hatched, in search of its creator: where Omolnk_in search of its creator:
Public: For all
Discipline: Giant puppets ambulatory.
Duration: 2h30 stroll to be broken up during the day
Artistic Team: 4
Puppet : Kele: 2.50m and Kassik 3.50m